3. 3D Flex: Custom Latent Trajectory#


Read the tutorial to learn more about 3D Flexible Refinement.

This example covers the following:

  • Load particle latent coordinates from a 3D Flex Training job

  • Plot the latent coordinates

  • Interactively draw a trajectory through the latent space

  • Output the trajectory as a new output in CryoSPARC

The resulting trajectory may be used as input to the 3D Flex Generator job to generate a volume series along the trajectory. In this way, you can visualize specific regions or pathways through the latent conformational distribution of the particle.

import numpy as n
from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC

cs = CryoSPARC(host="cryoem5", base_port=40000)
assert cs.test_connection()
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_core at http://cryoem5:40002
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_vis at http://cryoem5:40003

Load the particles dataset from the 3D Flex Training job.

import pandas as pd

project = cs.find_project("P251")
particles = project.find_job("J21").load_output("particles")

components_mode_0/component components_mode_0/value components_mode_1/component components_mode_1/value uid
0 0 0.016000 1 0.314667 3070975014664207456
1 0 -0.122667 1 -0.293333 4618435520677801850
2 0 -0.496000 1 0.048000 5473205460946538064
3 0 0.357333 1 0.133333 16310523440862460071
4 0 0.698667 1 0.048000 13340786341065263892
... ... ... ... ... ...
83995 0 0.229333 1 0.314667 16055293458929423443
83996 0 -0.208000 1 0.784000 4138809144408497890
83997 0 0.069333 1 0.005333 12856011472364466207
83998 0 -0.176000 1 0.272000 14511870028664140377
83999 0 0.890667 1 0.048000 17110459322516273008

84000 rows × 5 columns

Create an interative plot that responds to on-click events.

Once the plot is drawn, click repeatedly on the plot along a trajectory you wish to sample in the latent space. The points along this trajectory will form the output of the notebook and be used in 3D Flex Generator.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))

def do_plot():


chain = True
pts = []

def onclick(event):
    pts.append([event.xdata, event.ydata])
    apts = n.array(pts)
    if chain:
        plt.plot(apts[0, 0], apts[0, 1], "xk")
        plt.plot(apts[:, 0], apts[:, 1], ".-r")
        for k, i in enumerate(range(0, len(apts), 2)):
            plt.plot(apts[i, 0], apts[i, 1], "xk")
            plt.plot(apts[i : i + 2, 0], apts[i : i + 2, 1], ".-", label=str(k))

cid = plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", onclick)

Print out the selected trajectory points.

latent_pts = n.array(pts)
for pt in latent_pts:
    print(f"{pt[0]:5.2f}, {pt[1]:5.2f}")
 0.05, -0.52
-0.13, -0.47
-0.26, -0.32
-0.34, -0.14
-0.35, -0.06
-0.35,  0.08
-0.35,  0.18
-0.28,  0.23
-0.16,  0.27
-0.06,  0.27
 0.00,  0.27
 0.23,  0.27
 0.25,  0.31
 0.25,  0.40
 0.21,  0.45
 0.16,  0.46
 0.06,  0.49
-0.07,  0.51
-0.20,  0.49
-0.34,  0.37
-0.47,  0.28
-0.52, -0.00
-0.50, -0.20
-0.45, -0.26
-0.26, -0.27
-0.23, -0.27
-0.07, -0.30
 0.19, -0.32
 0.26, -0.26
 0.29, -0.20
 0.29, -0.20
 0.29, -0.20
 0.30, -0.11
 0.38, -0.07
 0.50, -0.04
 0.56,  0.05
 0.56,  0.06
 0.56,  0.06

Set up an external job to save the custom latent components. Connect to the train job to ensure output fields get passed through.

job = project.create_external_job("W4", "Custom Latents")
job.connect("particles", "J21", "particles", slots=["components_mode_%d" % k for k in range(2)])

Add and allocate an output for the job to store the custom latent components.

latents_dset = job.add_output(
    slots=[{"prefix": "components_mode_%d" % k, "dtype": "components", "required": True} for k in range(2)],

Save the points into the allocated dataset.

for k in range(2):
    latents_dset["components_mode_%d/component" % k] = k
    latents_dset["components_mode_%d/value" % k] = latent_pts[:, k]

Save the output.

with job.run():
    job.save_output("latents", latents_dset)