3D Flex: Custom Latent Trajectory

3. 3D Flex: Custom Latent Trajectory#


Read the tutorial to learn more about 3D Flexible Refinement.

This example covers the following:

  • Load particle latent coordinates from a 3D Flex Training job

  • Plot the latent coordinates

  • Interactively draw a trajectory through the latent space

  • Output the trajectory as a new output in CryoSPARC

The resulting trajectory may be used as input to the 3D Flex Generator job to generate a volume series along the trajectory. In this way, you can visualize specific regions or pathways through the latent conformational distribution of the particle.

import json
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as n

from cryosparc.tools import CryoSPARC

with open(Path("~", "instance-info.json").expanduser(), "r") as f:
    credentials = json.load(f)

cs = CryoSPARC(**credentials)
assert cs.test_connection()
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_core at http://cryoem0.sbi:40002
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_vis at http://cryoem0.sbi:40003
Connection succeeded to CryoSPARC command_rtp at http://cryoem0.sbi:40005

Load the particles dataset from the 3D Flex Training job.

import pandas as pd

project = cs.find_project("P312")
particles = project.find_job("J243").load_output("particles")

# only display the first ten rows, since creating an entire dataframe is slow
alignments2D/alpha alignments2D/alpha_min alignments2D/class alignments2D/class_ess alignments2D/class_posterior alignments2D/cross_cor alignments2D/error alignments2D/error_min alignments2D/image_pow alignments2D/pose ... pick_stats/power pick_stats/template_idx sym_expand/helix_num_rises sym_expand/helix_rise_A sym_expand/helix_twist_rad sym_expand/idx sym_expand/is_helix sym_expand/src_uid sym_expand/symmetry uid
0 1.0 1.067518 8 1.000261 0.999869 76.271484 9163.180664 0.0 9203.728516 4.744446 ... 781.205933 3 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 6947839038024507105 C2 6947839038024507105
1 1.0 1.067518 8 1.000261 0.999869 76.271484 9163.180664 0.0 9203.728516 4.744446 ... 781.205933 3 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 6947839038024507105 C2 13932325671802011693
2 1.0 0.868515 2 1.006742 0.996642 62.421875 8964.066406 0.0 8990.552734 3.205707 ... 596.804443 3 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 18174470766076440683 C2 18174470766076440683
3 1.0 0.868515 2 1.006742 0.996642 62.421875 8964.066406 0.0 8990.552734 3.205707 ... 596.804443 3 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 18174470766076440683 C2 16990665930294442579
4 1.0 1.158005 0 1.656703 0.749064 47.288086 8603.187500 0.0 8630.057617 5.385587 ... 758.841248 3 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 10868047345897440647 C2 10868047345897440647
5 1.0 1.158005 0 1.656703 0.749064 47.288086 8603.187500 0.0 8630.057617 5.385587 ... 758.841248 3 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 10868047345897440647 C2 13431911868430011898
6 1.0 0.992612 6 1.032084 0.984298 39.340820 8956.469727 0.0 8975.994141 0.000000 ... 601.065002 3 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 11087656592019060700 C2 11087656592019060700
7 1.0 0.992612 6 1.032084 0.984298 39.340820 8956.469727 0.0 8975.994141 0.000000 ... 601.065002 3 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 11087656592019060700 C2 3521966667339501106
8 1.0 0.992270 8 1.000796 0.999602 71.224609 8801.692383 0.0 8837.027344 0.128228 ... 669.910767 3 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 10759805808414285613 C2 10759805808414285613
9 1.0 0.992270 8 1.000796 0.999602 71.224609 8801.692383 0.0 8837.027344 0.128228 ... 669.910767 3 0 0.0 0.0 1 0 10759805808414285613 C2 2825550586744122481

10 rows × 110 columns

In this notebook, we create a plot of two of the dimensions and click to generate the trajectory through latent space. This approach necessarily allows only the creation of a trajectory through two of the latent coordinates. If you need to change three or more coordinates simultaneously, you will have to manually create a list of the coordinates you want to use.

selected_dimensions = [0, 2]

Next we create an interative plot that responds to on-click events.

Once the plot is drawn, click repeatedly on the plot along a trajectory you wish to sample in the latent space. The points along this trajectory will form the output of the notebook and be used in 3D Flex Generator.


Using interactive plots in Jupyter Notebooks can present some challenges. Connecting to a remote VS Code remote notebook requires the ipympl package and the %matplotlib widget “magic” line. See the matplotlib documentation for more detail.

%matplotlib widget
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))

def do_plot():

pts = []

def onclick(event):
    pts.append([event.xdata, event.ydata])
    apts = n.array(pts)
    plt.plot(apts[0, 0], apts[0, 1], "xk")
    plt.plot(apts[:, 0], apts[:, 1], ".-r")

cid = plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", onclick)


Print out the selected trajectory points. Each column corresponds to the position along that selected coordinate, i.e., in this example column 1 is coordinate 0 and column 2 is coordinate 2.

latent_pts = n.array(pts)
for pt in latent_pts:
    print(f"{pt[0]:5.2f}, {pt[1]:5.2f}")
-0.35,  0.67
-0.78,  0.09
-0.50, -0.67
 0.77, -0.86
 1.06, -0.18
 0.95,  0.56
 0.04,  0.43
-0.27, -0.11

Set up an external job to save the custom latent components. Connect to the train job to ensure output fields get passed through.

# each component has a components_mode_n/component and components_mode_n/value field,
# so we need to divide the components_mode fields by two to get the total number of components
num_components = int(len([x for x in particles.fields() if "components_mode" in x]) / 2)

slot_spec = [{"dtype": "components", "prefix": f"components_mode_{k}", "required": True} for k in range(num_components)]
job = project.create_external_job("W5", "Custom Latents")
job.connect("particles", "J243", "particles", slots=slot_spec)

Add and allocate an output for the job to store the custom latent components.

latents_dset = job.add_output(

Save the points into the allocated dataset.

for k in range(num_components):
    latents_dset[f"components_mode_{k}/component"] = k
        latents_dset[f"components_mode_{k}/value"] = latent_pts[:, selected_dimensions.index(k)]
    except ValueError:
        # if a coordinate is not in our selected_dimensions, set the trajectory to zero in that coordinate
        latents_dset[f"components_mode_{k}/value"] = 0

Save the output.

with job.run():
    job.save_output("latents", latents_dset)