
Provides classes and functions for communicating with CryoSPARC’s command servers. Generally should not be used directly.


CommandClient([service, host, port, url, ...])

Class for communicating with CryoSPARC's command_core, command_vis and command_rtp HTTP services.


make_json_request(client[, url, query, ...])

Similar to make_request, except sends request body data JSON and receives arbitrary response.

make_request(client[, method, url, query, ...])

Create a raw HTTP request/response context with the given command client.

class cryosparc.command.CommandClient(service: str = 'command', host: str = 'localhost', port: int = 39002, url: str = '', timeout: int = 300, headers: dict = {}, cls: Type[JSONEncoder] | None = None)#

Class for communicating with CryoSPARC’s command_core, command_vis and command_rtp HTTP services.

Upon initialization, gets a list of available JSONRPC endpoints and creates corresponding instance methods for each one. Reference of available methods for the command_core service (a.k.a. “cli”) is available in the CryoSPARC Guide.

  • service (str, optional) – Label for CryoSPARC Command service that this instance connects to and communicates with, e.g., command_core, command_vis or command_rtp

  • host (str, optional) – Domain name or IP address of CryoSPARC master. Defaults to “localhost”.

  • port (int, optional) – Command server base port. Defaults to 39002.

  • url (str, optional) – Base URL path prefix for all requests (e.g., “/v1”). Defaults to “”.

  • timeout (int, optional) – How long to wait for a request to complete before timing out, in seconds. Defaults to 300.

  • headers (dict, optional) – Default HTTP headers to send with every request. Defaults to {}.

  • cls (Type[JSONEncoder], optional) – Class to handle JSON encoding of special Python objects, such as numpy arrays. Defaults to None.


label of CryoSPARC Command service this instance connects to and communicates with




Connect to command_core

>>> from cryosparc.command import CommandClient
>>> cli = CommandClient(
...     host="csmaster",
...     port=39002,
...     headers={"License-ID": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}
... )

Queue a job

>>> cli.enqueue_job(project_uid="P3", job_uid="J42", lane="csworker")



alias of CommandError


alias of CommandError

cryosparc.command.make_json_request(client: CommandClient, url='', *, query={}, data=None, headers={}, _stacklevel=3)#

Similar to make_request, except sends request body data JSON and receives arbitrary response.

  • client (CommandClient) – command client instance

  • url (str, optional) – URL path to append to the client’s initialized root URL. Defaults to “”.

  • query (dict, optional) – Query string parameters. Defaults to {}.

  • data (any, optional) – JSON-encodable request body. Defaults to None.

  • headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers. Defaults to {}.


http.client.HTTPResponse – Use with a context manager to get HTTP response


CommandError – General error such as timeout, URL or HTTP


>>> from cryosparc.command import CommandClient, make_json_request
>>> cli = CommandClient()
>>> with make_json_request(cli, url="/download_file", data={'path': '/file.txt'}) as response:
...     data =
cryosparc.command.make_request(client: CommandClient, method: str = 'POST', url: str = '', *, query: dict = {}, data=None, headers: dict = {}, _stacklevel=2)#

Create a raw HTTP request/response context with the given command client.

  • client (CommandClient) – command client instance

  • method (str, optional) – HTTP method. Defaults to “POST”.

  • url (str, optional) – URL to append to the client’s initialized URL. Defaults to “”.

  • query (dict, optional) – Query string parameters. Defaults to {}.

  • data (any, optional) – Request body data. Usually in binary. Defaults to None.

  • headers (dict, optional) – HTTP headers. Defaults to {}.


CommandError – General error such as timeout, URL or HTTP


http.client.HTTPResponse – Use with a context manager to get HTTP response


>>> from cryosparc.command import CommandClient, make_request
>>> cli = CommandClient()
>>> with make_request(cli, url="/download_file", query={'path': '/file.txt'}) as response:
...     data =